Marin Yacht Club: The Benefits of Regular Marina Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is an simple way to keep things running smoothly and to identify issues before they become a problem. In partnership with Bellingham Marine, Marin Yacht Club has undergone several upgrades to assure that the marina operates effortlessly both now and in the future. Less than an hour outside of San Francisco, across […]
Floating Dock Manufacturer, Bellingham Marine, Looks to the Composite Industry for Product Innovations

With a reputation for leading the marina industry in design excellence, Bellingham Marine looks toward the future with its eyes firmly fixed on innovation and user experience. The company’s unwavering commitment to customer service, engineering excellence, and its R&D program are key elements of Bellingham’s success in the marina industry and some of the key […]
Not Your Grandfather’s Unifloat Floating Dock System

Typically on our blog I like to write technical or educational pieces that have an overall focus on marina design best practice, innovation and industry trends. I make a conscious effort to stay away from brand specific pieces as I do not want to compromise the credibility of our blog by including sales pitches. This […]
Plan Ahead for Your Marina’s Future Funding Needs

The topic of replacement cost is a subject I wrote on several years ago; however, I think it’s an important topic for marina owners and one worth revisiting. Whether you’ve recently completed a total rebuild of your marina or are beginning to realize that the life of your current docks is finite, taking a good […]
Understanding the Decking Options for your Timber Dock

Although numerous alternatives have become available since the early twentieth century when timber docks dominated the market, they remain a preferred choice for some, especially along certain seaboards. For some the natural warmth and aesthetic qualities of timber along with ease of assembly and repair make timber a preferred choice. As with all dock systems […]