Let’s Get Technical about Freeboard and Live Load Capacity

If you work in the marina industry it is important to understand the difference between freeboard and live load capacity and how the two affect the stability and use of a floating dock. Freeboard, in simple terms, is the height of a dock’s deck above the water. Live loads are variable and include all unfixed […]
A Look Back at 2012 in the Marina Industry

For the marina industry, 2012 continued a steady march forward toward greater innovation, higher customization and a stronger push for value. The passing of time is inevitable; another year has come and gone and we are now well into 2013. Part fueled by tighter budgets and part by improvements in materials and technologies, the marina […]
Telescoping Pile: an innovation in marina dock design

Use of telescoping pile in floating concrete marina design was first conceived by Bellingham Marine in 2006 during the design of a 150 meter long floating wave attenuator for the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron at Kirribilli near Sydney, Australia. Since its use at Kirribilli, Bellingham’s telescoping pile has been used on several other projects and […]
What Does the Typical Boater Want in a Marina?

Bellingham Marine interviews a group of average boaters to see what they look for in a marina. Megayachts may be among the fastest growing segments of the boating world but ownership of mid-sized boats still trumps the market. Statistics published by the NMMA in 2011 reveal that boats 30’ to 50’ in length dominate the […]
Bellingham Marine – Best of 2011

At the end of each year it’s nice to look back and reminisce about all that took place that year. Time goes by like a blur and after a couple months it’s often hard to recall all that was actually accomplished over the years’ time. Below are the projects that topped Bellingham Marine’s Best of […]
Green Labels: tips for marinas looking to purchase green products

We are entering an era where green and environmentally friendly products and practices are more in demand than ever before. Nowhere is this truer than in the marina industry. Marinas operate in some of the world’s most sensitive habitats and are often found in the environmental spotlight. Around the world, federal, state and local agencies […]
Blogging for Marina Design

To describe Marina Design as a simple process would be a lie, but it’s not magic. There are quite a few simple things you can do for yourself to ensure that the design of your marina is optimized for your market and your expected return. One of the most important things you can do is team up early […]